TechDebt 2022
Tue 17 - Wed 18 May 2022 Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with ICSE 2022
Monika Gupta

Registered user since Sat 6 Oct 2018

Name:Monika Gupta

Monika Gupta is a Researcher in the Artificial Intelligence for Automation team, IBM Research, New Delhi. Also she is pursuing PhD in IIIT Delhi under the guidance of Prof. Pankaj Jalote, IIIT Delhi, and Dr. Alexander Serebrenik, TU/e, The Netherlands. Her research interests include process mining, mining software repositories, business process automation and applications of machine learning. She was a recipient of the prestigious Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship from 2013 to 2017. She has published research papers in various peer-reviewed conferences and journal. She got the Best Poster Award in the Gracehopper Conference India 2016. During her PhD, she interned at Infosys Research Labs, Eindhoven University of Technology - The Netherlands, and IBM Research Bangalore. She was awarded Microsoft travel grant, ACM travel grant, IARCS travel grant and GHCI scholarship.

Affiliation:IBM Research India
Research interests:Process Mining, Mining Software Repositories, Machine Learning


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