TechDebt 2022
Tue 17 - Wed 18 May 2022 Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with ICSE 2022

\textbf{Background:} The prioritization of technical debt is an essential task in managing of software projects because, with current analysis tools, it is possible to find thousands of technical debt items in the software that would take months or even years to be fully paid. \textbf{Aims:} In this study, we aim to understand which criteria software developers use to prioritize technical debt in real software projects. \textbf{Methods:} We performed a survey to collect data from open-source software projects in order to reach a large and diverse set of experiences. We analyzed the data using Straussian Grounded Theory techniques: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. \textbf{Results:} We grouped the criteria into 15 categories and divided them into 2 super-categories related to paying off the technical debt and 3 related to not paying it. \textbf{Conclusions:} When participants decided to pay off technical debt, they wanted to do it soon. However, when they decided not to pay it, it is often because the debt occurred intentionally due to a project decision. Also, participants using similar criteria for their decisions tended to choose similar priority levels for those decisions. Finally, we observed that each software project needs to tailor the rules used to identify technical debt to their project context.

Wed 18 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

11:10 - 12:00
Papers Session 3 - TD Impact and PerspectiveTechnical Papers / Tools Track / Catering at TechDebt room
Investigating the Point of View of Project Management Practitioners on Technical Debt - A Preliminary Study on Stack Exchange
Technical Papers
Felipe Gomes Federal University of Bahia, Eder Pereira dos Santos Federal University of Bahia, Sávio Freire Federal University of Bahia and Federal Institute of Ceará, Manoel Mendonça Federal University of Bahia, Thiago Souto Mendes Federal Institute of Bahia, Rodrigo Spinola Universidade Salvador
Technical Debt Prioritization: A Developer's Perspective
Technical Papers
Diogo Pina University of São Paulo, Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County, Alfredo Goldman University of São Paulo
MultiDimEr : A multi-dimensional bug analyzEr
Tools Track
Lakmal Silva Blekinge Institute of Technology, Michael Unterkalmsteiner Blekinge Institute of Technology, Krzysztof Wnuk

Information for Participants
Wed 18 May 2022 11:10 - 12:00 at TechDebt room - Papers Session 3 - TD Impact and Perspective
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